Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

27 Oct

This week in CEP811 we explored the scholarship of teaching and learning. After reviewing (SoTL) we were asked to go on an exploration to find 5 scholarly resources that related directly to our teaching practices and interests.  We were also asked to speak with a librarian to help us in our exploration of new resources. 

To connect with the MSU librarian I used the chat feature to speak with an on call librarian. She pointed me in the right direction to search ERIC for scholarly journals relating to Instructional Design, a topic that I am particularly interested exploring. I created an account on Proquest and began my adventure. 

At first I ran in to some roadblocks because all I could find were citations and not the full texts. After refining my search a little too much, I was left with very subject specific articles that would not suite my needs. However, after adjusting my search criteria a little further I finally found full text articles that I could read and save to my research (I really like this option). Initially I had over 10 articles that I saved, but after reviewing each I narrowed it down to 5 articles in which to complete my annotated bibliography. 

Please click here to see my annotated bibliography relating to Instructional Design. 


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